
How to make effective duas this Ramadan - Part 6

Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Before we end our discussion about invoking for good, we must touch upon invoking for evil, how could that be? It is the feeling of injustice that drives one to invoke Allah against the unjust one: to afflict him with sickness, or to bring upon him a disaster, or to be bereaved of one of his children, or be subjected to bankruptcy and so on.

Sometimes man calls down evil upon himself, which is in case of anger. Or one might feel that he has become a burden on his family because of his illness, so he prays Allah to be relieved and relief others (of his troubles), all these invocations besides others we see and hear ourselves.

Before we talk about invoking for evil, we have to stress that Allah suhanahu wa ta’ala loves to pardon people. We find many verses in Noble Qur’an urging us to pardon and suppress anger, for Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, describes those who pardon and suppress their anger as ‘Good doers’.

Invoking evil upon unjust people, if prompted by jealousy aroused for the sake of religion, is acceptable and sanctioned. As the invocation of Nûh alaihis salam against his people, and the invocation of Mûsâ alaihis salam against Pharaoh’s people, when he called Allah to, ‘Destroy their wealth, and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment,’ (Yûnus, 10: 88). If that is the basis, then invocation is required and will be fulfilled, but if one invokes evil upon others for no reason, or out of envy and spite, the Divine Answer will be, ‘The evil you have prayed to befall others, will befall you.’

Zakia beware of these mistakes in supplication.

• Invoking other than Allah(SWT) such as prophets, pious people, stone, idols ... etc this is "Shirk" (polytheism).

• Wishing to die. Some people when they get sick, and they do not heal soon, or they have some personal problems they start wishing for death.

• Asking Allah(SWT) to hurry or give his punishment in this life.

• Asking Allah(SWT) to break the bond of kind ship.(such as separating one from his parents).

• Supplicating for sins to spread in the Islamic society.

• The "Imam"(prayer's leader) making supplication for himself without including the followers in his supplication.(during group prayer "Attraweh in Ramadan").

• Invoking Allah(SWT) to see if there is a response without a sense of genuine purpose.

• Raising the voice during the supplication. It should be done secretly.

• Saying “Insha Allah" (Allah willing) after the supplication. (Ex. 'Allah forgive my sins if you will) Narrated Abu Huraira RA the Messenger of Allah SAW said "None of you should say: 'Allah forgive me if you wish 'Allah be merciful to me if you wish but he should always appeal to Allah(SWT) with determination, for nobody can force Allah(SWT) to do something against His will. [agreed upon]

• Invoking Allah (SWT) aggressively. (asking Allah[SWT] for impossible things such as asking Him to make you a prophet or immortality) .

• Asking Allah (SWT) to harm a Muslim.

• Asking Allah (SWT) to have a Muslim commit a sin or die as a non-believer.

“O Allah! Protect me with Islam while I am standing, Protect me with Islam while I am sitting and Protect me with Islam while I am lying down. And not let an enemy or a jealous person feel happy over my plight. O Allah! I ask You for all the good and blessings whose treasures are in Your Hands, and I seek refuge in You from all the evil whose treasures are in Your Hands.” (Hakim 1260/217)

Remember me in your duas.

Zakia Usmani

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